It works for everyone, think about it. Bright lights aren't going to make the prostitutes look as sexy, and definitely they will be turning away the more well-healed clients. Turn down those lights, Antwerp, or forget this experiment completely!
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Antwerp will dim the bright new lights along the Belgian port city's waterfront after prostitutes complained they were putting off potential clients.
"We had some remarks from the prostitutes that there was too much light, both for them and the clients," city council spokesman Jorn Verbeeck said. "We are investigating the possibility of lowering the light there."
Prostitutes complained to city and police officials that the lights installed in December did not give them enough privacy and hurt business, he said.
The port, which tolerates prostitutes in a select few streets near the waterfront, will next week test an electric system to dim the lights, Verbeeck said.
If the test gets the thumbs-up from the city's sex workers, the system will be rolled out across the red light district.
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