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    I found this post very interesting and commented about it over at my blog Seems to me we're actually encouraging our children to teach by testing them on the wrong things. In this age of instantly-available information, tests should be based on understanding and application, not on rote repeating of data. You can cheat facts and figures, but no cheating system can cheat understanding!

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    Gorillas are vegetarian, why are they so physically powerful?
    Gorillas look powerful. I would like to know what is their main source of protein comes from? Since gorillas are vegeterian for the most part, does that mean they have to eat lots of fruits and vegetable to get high amount of protein for their muscules. Bears are very strong animal, but their protein comes from fish and possibly other sources of meat. How can a gorilla be so strong being raised on bananas?

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    Dennis Hamilton

    Gorillas & protein.
    Gorillas, like humans I assume, naturally get enough protein from the bananas, greens, and other foods available to them.
    Human mother's milk, according to my research, contains 5-6% of it's calories as protein. It's practically impossible, again, based on my research, to get less than 6% of your calories as protein, eating a diet consisting of fresh fruits and vegetables.
    I have had a vegan diet since 1994, and a 100% raw fruit and vegetable diet for the last year. I have been monitoring by levels religiousl, and I average 6.5-7.5 % of my calories as protein, 8% as fat, and 85% as carbs.
    I have all my blood work done by doctors who are not 100% vegetarian or vegan.

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