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    « To steal from the rich and give to the poor: Human Nature? | Main | I'm Gina Smith going dark in honor of Virginia killings. »


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    ...I learned so much from Kurt Vonnegut. Human nature, values, humor...The monologue in my head can often be traced back to Kurt's influence.
    His death has been fairly quiet. He dropped out of the popular imagination some time ago {with the exception of his occasional lectures}. Some may have thought he was dead already.
    Truth was, as he told Charlie Rose, he'd just said all he'd had to say.
    I will always love and admire Kurt {a writer I have shamelessly stolen from}. He'll live on in people like me who have internalized his point of view. What else could a writer ask for? I honestly put him up there with Shakespeare in terms of understanding the human condition {and in a much gentler way than his contemporaries, ie Vidal, Normal, etc}.
    Thanks Kurt. Goodnight.



    I'm making short film and would appreciate your inputregarding Kurt's comment and book tjat staests (loose quote) It's better to be kind than to love....
    Those words have been important to me...
    I want to add them to the film...
    I would appreciate any help you could provide...

    Only the Best to You



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    Indeed babies need to be our main focus in life, how we raise them and we educate them.

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